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Who ?


Summer Retreat is for schools in Indiana & Illinois.

Based on finals schedules, here's who will be at Week 3.


Augustana | Blackhawk | Carl Sandburg | Chicago State | COD College of Lake County | DePaul | Franklin | Highland | ​JJC | Knox Lake Forest | Loyola | Millikin | NEIU Olive Harvey | Richland | Rock Valley | Rose-Hulman | SAIC | SWIC | U Chicago | UIC

If your school isn't listed here but you'd like to attend this week, speak with your staff worker!



Where ?



Covenant Harbor


1724 W. Main Street, Lake Geneva, WI 53147

       (Note: This location is on Central Time.)


Click here for Covenant Harbor Map

All housing and program will be in Geneva Bay Centre.


Housing will be in bunk rooms. You'll stay with around 10 other students from your campus or similar campuses, with a large shared bathroom.





Always available during free time:

Student Lounge, Snacks, Board Games, Hiking, Lake Geneva activities, etc.


Each day we'll host special

activities such as:

Group games, craft projects, etc.



How Much ?


$299 before midnight 5/8

As thanks for signing up early,

you'll get a  $10 coupon  for books,

apparel, or swag onsite!


$349 before midnight 5/22





Check the box 

when you register.

How Much


Click on the schedule to download a pdf version

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InterVarsity, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA, and the InterVarsity logo are trademarks of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA and its affiliated companies.

Member of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students

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